Trump's First Amendment: Regulate YouTube, but never coal mines!
SalonUnusual times demand unusual measures. Apparently, clean tap water and formerly scenic vistas aren’t priorities for red state, coal country voters who would rather add cancer clusters and horrendous birth defects to the list of tragedies that go along with their disappearing coal jobs. A 2011 study in the Environmental Research journal discovered an increased risk for “six out of seven types of birth defects — circulatory/respiratory, central nervous system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal urogenital” defects near mountaintop removal mines. To put this another way: it’s bad and wrong for government to regulate mining companies that dump acid mine drainage into streams and rivers, at least according to Trump and his Red Hats — but it’s absolutely mandatory for government to regulate social media corporations because Alex Jones and Steven Crowder were punished by various online platforms, including Twitter and YouTube. Presumably, Trump is moving toward imposing regulations to reinstate those who’ve been banned, while preventing the practice into the future — the aforementioned “You’re making a Giant Mistake!” warning being quite revealing.