Meet Josef, Who is Aiming to Remove age-old Stigma and Help Black Boys to Dance Proudly
News 18A dancer is hoping to erase the stigma he faced, with his new children’s book, “Black Boys Dance Too.” Josef grew up dancing in Oakland, California and said his passion for moving to music resulted in bullying and hurtful comments. It’s almost funny to me because it’s like football, baseball, you guys wear tights.” The positive responses have overwhelmed Josef. “I was speaking from my experience, but not realizing that there are millions of people, even older men, who told me that they danced when they were younger,” said Josef. “But due to how society was at that age, they went into other fields and they kind of gave up something that they actually loved.” Josef’s many hopes for the book include having it distributed in schools, turning it into an animated short, and simply starting a needed conversation.