Chanel Contos reveals eight topics to be taught in sex ed classes to stop sexual abuse epidemic
Daily MailThe woman responsible for drawing attention to a sexual abuse epidemic in Sydney's elite private schools has drafted eight topics that must be taught in sex education classes to give students a well-rounded understanding of consent. More than 5,000 young women shared harrowing stories of sexual abuse at the hands of first boyfriends, male friends or older schoolboys in a viral petition demanding better sex education in schools. Ms Contos believes earlier education in schools and at home would be beneficial for both boys and girls More than 20,000 people had already signed the petition by Tuesday, while some 1,484 testimonies had been posted and another 4,000 were waiting to be reviewed and shared Sexual Coercion Sexual coercion is characterised as an act which pressures a victim into performing a sex act or makes them feel guilty for choosing to not participate. Chantel Contos, the 22-year-old former Kambala School student who first started the petition, was motivated by stories of teenagers who weren't aware they had been abused until it was too late Jacqueline Hendriks, who runs Curtin University's sexology curriculum, said young people need to be taught how to have 'really positive, enjoyable sexual relationships' in school Enthusiastic Consent 'If it's not hell yes!
History of this topic

Safe Sphere: Improving sexual education for young people
Sex education in schools to be reviewed amid concerns over ‘inappropriate’ lessons
The Independent
Emily Atack: It’s the lack of consent that gives them the thrill
The Independent
Queensland's overhauled sex education teaches prep students consent basics, while teenagers learn 'how to say no'
Students and teachers demand better, more modern sexual education at schools
NL Times
Sexual Offences Against Women: Key Interventions
Live Law
Why sex education needs to be more than just about biology and reproductive organs
Sexual assault is not a crime of ignorance: Why consent education does not address the real problem
Netflix’s Sex Education is doing sex ed better than schools
Live Mint
How will consent education in schools change next year? Students demand answers
Consent education to become mandatory in Victorian state schools
Brisbane Boys' College students calls on peers to 'stop being boys, be human' in wake of national sexual assault conversation
Migrant parents call for support in sexual consent education as student-led petition gains momentum
Sexual assault survivor speaks out about being drugged and raped by two private school boys
Daily Mail
Australian children to be given special lessons on 'consent'
Daily Mail
Review into sex education in Queensland schools welcomed by teachers and advocates
Why “consent” doesn’t stand a chance against porn culture
Headmaster says parents are complicit in sexual assault if they allow kids to host boozy parties
Daily Mail
Sydney school students call for earlier education on sexual relationships and consent in wake of petition
NSW police met with education leaders to address sexual violence
Daily Mail
As advocates push for better sexual consent education to be taught to young people, one principal warns schools can't be the only solution
Chanel Contos launches website detailing Australia's private school sex assault shame
Daily Mail
Does Australia's sex education curriculum need to include more on sex positivity, LGBTQI+ relationships and intimacy?
'They Think We'll Teach Them How to Have Sex': NEP 2020 Misses the Point of Sex Education
News 18
Michaela Coel’s I May Destroy You gave me a better sex education than school ever did
The Independent
Dutch teens dissatisfied with sex-ed lessons at school
NL Times
Only 8 states require sex ed classes to mention consent
Could "consent education" really work to prevent sexual assault?
‘Consent classes’ to be given to children as young as four in schools
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We cannot trust schools to provide sex education when they can't even keep their institutions safe
The Independent
Make Every Class Sex Ed Class
Huff Post
How Sex Educators Talk To Their Sons About Consent
Huff Post
Why mandatory uni courses on sexual consent are unlikely to fix the problem
The Power Of Inclusive Sex Education
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Schools may be forced to teach children about porn and sexting, reports suggests
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Thousands share their experiences of sexual harassment in school after calls for compulsory sex education
The Independent
How much do you know about sex education in UK schools?
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We Need Better Sex Education, Author And Mother Argues. Here’s Why.
Huff Post
Children deserve better sex education for modern life
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The rise of sex education for adults
What teens have to know about sex (Opinion)
Sex and Relationships Education is too important to leave to chance
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Majority of parents believe sex education should be compulsory in secondary schools, YouGov poll reveals
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