Croydon is Britain's beauty capital: South London borough which was home to Kate Moss - but dubbed a 'concrete hell' by David Bowie - has more hair and make-up workers than anywhere else in the countr
Daily MailMore than 6,200 people employed by the beauty industry in the area Croydon has been named Britain's capital of the beauty industry, boasting more hair and make-up workers than anywhere else in the country. The south London borough, once described by David Bowie as 'complete concrete hell', can claim to have one in 32 people employed in beauty jobs, more than four times as many as the national average of one in 150. Croydon can claim to have one in 32 people employed in beauty jobs, more than four times as many as the national average of one in 150 The south London borough is the birthplace of Kate Moss who previously said she had always been 'keen to get away' from the area Outside of London, Manchester, considered to be the fashion capital of the north, had one in 40 working in the beauty industry. David Bowie once described Croydon as 'complete concrete hell' TONI&GUY on Croydon High Street - one of the dozen national beauty retailers with stores in the area Niha Cuts & Beauty on London Road employs some of the 695 hairdressers in the south London borough The research suggested that the beauty industry could be a driver for social mobility, as it had an equal or greater presence in areas of deprivation and areas of wealth.
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