'How Can You Have Same Rules for All?' On UCC Row, AIMPLB Member Reminds of Mahatma Gandhi's Word
News 18Senior member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and prominent Sunni cleric Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali has launched a drive after Friday prayers in Uttar Pradesh against the proposed Uniform Civil Code. Speaking to CNN-News18 on the row, the Maulana called the Uniform Civil Code an act that would adversely affect the Personal Law Board which, he said, is based on Sharia principles. The Law Commission has asked the point of view of the general public and organisations on the issue of UCC, following which AIMPLB and other Muslim organisations submitted the draft in order to register their protest.” The Maulana said they had appealed to Imams of all mosques to make ‘namaazis’ aware of Muslim personal law. Mahatma Gandhi, during the famous round table conference held in 1931 in London, had assured that no law would interfere in Muslim personal law.