SC order clears decks for rdvpt of 44 acres in BKC
2 weeks, 5 days ago

SC order clears decks for rdvpt of 44 acres in BKC

Hindustan Times  

Mumbai: With the Supreme Court rejecting a special leave petition filed by residents of Bharat Ekta Society, decks have been cleared for developers to get Bandra Kurla Complex’s Bharat Nagar, spread over 44 acres, vacated. Residents of Bharat Ekta Society contended that since their locality had not been notified as a slum area, it could not be razed and taken up for redevelopment. Any similar dispute can now be laid to rest retrospectively with the latest judgement,” said Rajiv Agrawal, co-founder, Saarathi Realtors, one of the players associated with the redevelopment project at Bharat Ekta Society promoted by Forum Homes. Rejecting the petition, the court ruled that “dilatory tactics” were adopted by the ineligible slum dwellers of Bharat Ekta Society.

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