My Dying Husband Tried to Help Me Find Love Again
Huff PostBob and Deirdre early in their marriage. “You never know …,” Bob answered, “you just might, and conferences aren’t a bad idea.” A close friend of mine was widowed the summer before Bob was diagnosed and had fallen in love again. One day, after Dave had dropped by for a visit, Bob said to me, “You two can really talk … you should pay attention to that,” and then he winked at me. But one day on my porch, shortly after Bob died, just as I was close to sharing what Bob had had to say about him, about us, Dave began, “I want to tell you how much I have grown to respect you and Bob these many months … and I’m wondering … ” “It’s funny you should say that …,” I began. We walk in Bob’s memory as “Bob’s Muscle Team” every year in our local ALS Walk for other families facing this.