Why Reading was more of a community than I ever realised
4 years, 1 month ago

Why Reading was more of a community than I ever realised

The Independent  

Sign up to Simon Calder’s free travel email for expert advice and money-saving discounts Get Simon Calder’s Travel email Get Simon Calder’s Travel email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. I guess sometimes it isn’t about how much your home town has changed; sometimes it’s about how your perspectives have shifted But seeing Reading again through the prism of lockdown, 20 years since I first laid eyes on it, this largest of UK towns seems to have gained a new lease of life. Not so secret gardens The Forbury is perhaps Reading’s most famous garden, not least because of its recent notoriety, when three men were fatally stabbed within its grounds. I remember the days when the most exciting place to eat in Reading was Nando’s, but now it seems every chain worth its salt has opened their kitchens in town. Drink the night away Reading’s town centre is relatively compact, which means on a night out, you’re only ever about two seconds away from the next watering hole.

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