Iraq veteran: 'Senator Redneck' Tuberville's military blockade is directly hurting Alabama
Raw StorySen. Tommy Tuberville is remaining firm in his blockade of military appointments and promotions from being considered in the Senate, in protest of a Pentagon policy that allows servicemembers to travel to other states to obtain abortions. But this obstruction could actually begin to hurt his own state, warned founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Paul Reickhoff on MSNBC Friday during a discussion of the House GOP's bill to strip out the travel funding and bar LGBTQ flags on military bases. "I think ordinary people need to get more involved in politics," said Reickhoff. This is hitting people pretty profoundly in places like Alabama, where radical senator Tommy Tuberville — I call him 'Senator Redneck' — is going to jeopardize his state's ability to get Space Command. Nobody's going to want to send Space Command from Colorado to Alabama, when women aren't going to want to work there, nobody in the LGBTQ community would want to work, there if it's Tommy Tuberville's state."