Are Trump and his allies setting up Dr. Fauci as the pandemic scapegoat?
SalonThis has gotten buried under the pile of horrific news about both the coronavirus pandemic and Donald Trump's multiple failures to handle the crisis, but there was a moment during Trump's daily propaganda dump on Sunday that was even more disturbing than usual. Fauci was almost certainly about to say, as he does every time he's out of reach of Trump, that there's no real evidence that the drug works, much less that it's the "game-changer" that Trump desperately wants it to be. At that point, it became clear to me what Trump hopes to get out of this endless hype about an unproven and dangerous drug: A QAnon-style conspiracy theory he can roll out, after the worst of the crisis has passed, about his heroic efforts to save everyone with a miracle drug, which were thwarted by shady "deep state" forces who denied the public this lifesaving drug as part of a plot to make him look bad. This isn't surprising, since Trump's right-wing economics advisers are eager to grasp at any thin straw to suggest that the economy can be "reopened" without causing mass loss of life from COVID-19. And Fauci will be held up as the straw-man villain in this conspiracy because he supported social distancing and was skeptical of Dr. Trump's miracle drug.