‘Despicable’? Really? Disney chief slams Hollywood legends shading Marvel
LA TimesThe Avengers are increasingly becoming villains to prestige directors who are trashing Marvel’s blockbuster franchise for sullying the good name of cinema. Oscar winner Martin Scorsese belittled the hulking superhero films earlier this month when he told Empire that he doesn’t watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and they’re “not cinema.” You know, despite them making billions of dollars and the word “cinema” being being part of the MCU’s name. I don’t know that anyone gets anything out of seeing the same movie over and over again,” Coppola told Agence-France Press, adding: “Martin was kind when he said it’s not cinema. “Do you actually think Martin Scorsese is actually upset about Marvel movies?” Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Fury in the MCU “That’s like saying, ‘Bugs Bunny ain’t funny,’” the actor said while attending the opening of Tyler Perry’s new studio in Atlanta. “But to be fair, my entire film career — even prior to my film career — he’s been pretty much saying the same thing about action movies.” He added: “These movies come from a core.