Former ministers and aldermen who become MPs claim top-up benefits
Dutch NewsSeveral MPs are still claiming the special benefit for politicians who lose their job because they were earning more as aldermen or ministers before taking seats in parliament, the Volkskrant said on Tuesday. VVD parliamentary party leader Klaas Dijkhoff, for example, is claiming €37,000 a year in wachtgeld on top of his MP’s salary and party leader supplements, because he still earns less than he did as a minister, the paper said. ‘I see the wachtgeld ruling as a part of this.’ Another VVD MP, Arne Weverling, claims an extra €10,000 a year because he earned more while an alderman in Westland, the paper said. MPs who had better paying jobs as aldermen or ministers and are not claiming the benefit include Mark Harbers, Lodewijk Asscher and Lilian Ploumen.