4% of the Dutch are hostile to homosexuality but transgender acceptance lags
Dutch NewsNew research by the government’s socio-cultural think-tank SCP suggests that the acceptance of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in the Netherland remains around 76%, with a further 20% ambivalent and just 4% negative. ‘Views on homosexuality and bisexuality in the Netherlands are very positive compared to many other European countries, with the exception of Iceland where attitudes are even more so.’ Despite the widespread acceptance, 19% of those questioned for the survey said sex between two men was disgusting, but just 7% said the same of two women. The SCP says the emancipation of transgender people is a more recent phenomenon than the campaigns to boost the acceptance of gay men and lesbians, which could explain the difference in attitudes. In addition, ‘people find it difficult if they cannot decide immediately if someone is a man or a woman,’ SCP lead researcher Willem Huijnk told news website Nu.nl.