Will generative AI change how we live?
Al JazeeraOn Thursday, February 2 at 19:30 GMT: Generative AI is the latest wave in artificial intelligence technology that has captured the imagination of citizens, technologists and investors alike. Developed with machine learning, generative AI tools are exposed to large data sets and trained to create novel material based on the information they consume. One recent investigation revealed that the company behind ChatGPT, OpenAI, paid Kenyan workers less than $2 an hour to cull toxic and hateful content from the company’s dataset. On this episode of The Stream, we speak with: Sharon Goldman @sharongoldman Senior Writer, VentureBeat Margaret Mitchell @mmitchell_ai Researcher & Chief Ethics Scientist, Hugging Face Michael Running Wolf @Obnoxious_Wolf Ph.D. Student, McGill University Founder, Indigenous in AI