How are companies using AI agents? Here’s a look at five early users of the bots
Live MintArtificial intelligence agents have emerged as one of the most exciting aspects of generative AI for business because they take chatbots to the next level, performing complex tasks without help from humans. “We’re using agents now to take that content, with all those variables, and figure out, ‘When’s the next time to do that switch and actually execute it?’" he said. To make it all happen, the San Jose, Calif.-based online marketplace created its own “agent framework" that can use several large language models in the background, said Nitzan Mekel-Bobrov, eBay’s chief AI officer. About 10,000 employees use the AI agent each week, said Jonathan Abrahamson, Deutsche Telekom’s Chief Product and Digital Officer. Cosentino: ‘Digital workforce’ solving customer issues The Spanish company Cosentino, which makes countertop surfaces and other stone materials for homes and buildings, has brought on a “digital workforce" of AI agents to fill the gaps in its customer service staff, said Rafael Domene, the company’s CIO.