[Enrica Lexie] Permanent Court of Arbitration Publishes Award & Dissenting Opinions
Live LawThe Permanent Court of Arbitration has published its Award and concurring/dissenting opinions in the case between India and Italy on 'Enrica Lexie' Incident.Earlier the Court had published only an extracts from the Award since the Rules of Procedure provides that the full Award can be published only after the Parties' confidentiality review.Now, a 326 paged Award has been uploaded. The Permanent Court of Arbitration has published its Award and concurring/dissenting opinions in the case between India and Italy on 'Enrica Lexie' Incident. It had also that Italy has acted in breach of the Article 87, paragraph 1, subparagraph, and Article 90 of the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea and that India is entitled to payment of compensation in connection with "loss of life, physical harm, material damage to property and moral harm suffered by the captain and other crew members of the "St. Antony"", which by its nature cannot be made good through restitution. According to him, the marines do not enjoy immunity either because: the State of Italy engaged in an essentially commercial transaction in order to emplace the marines onboard the "Enrica Lexie" to protect the vessel from pirates; that act, jure gestionis, does not attract immunity for the State of Italy under customary international law; therefore the State of Italy had no immunity from which the marines could benefit in their act of firing shots from the "Enrica Lexie" that resulted in the death of two Indian fishermen aboard the "St. PCA 313309 40 Antony"; or the marines can be assimilated to the status of visiting forces which do not enjoy immunity under customary international law for acts carried out in the receiving State.