Veeru Kohli: A bonded labourer who took on the Bhuttos
7 years, 11 months ago

Veeru Kohli: A bonded labourer who took on the Bhuttos

Al Jazeera  

Veeru Kohli now works to eradicate this form of slavery in Pakistan, home to about two million bonded labourers. “I started working when I had two kids,” Kohli says, although she doesn’t remember which year that was or how old she was. My aim was to free as many bonded labourers as I could because, having gone through what they do, I feel the pain and the suffering.” “Unfortunately, those in power are either part of it or turn a blind eye, refusing to accept bonded labour exists in Pakistan,” she adds. With space for 310 families over 4.5 hectares of land, Azad Nagar was planned as a place where freed bonded labourers would live temporarily as they began their new lives.

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