The hungriest black hole EVER detected: Terrifying void devours matter at over 40 TIMES the theoretical limit
4 months, 2 weeks ago

The hungriest black hole EVER detected: Terrifying void devours matter at over 40 TIMES the theoretical limit

Daily Mail  

A newly discovered black hole has been dubbed the 'hungriest' black hole ever detected. Scientists have found the hungriest black hole ever which is absorbing matter at a rate 40 times the theoretical limit Black holes have a maximum rate at which they can absorb new matter based on their mass. Pictured the magnetic fields around Sagittarius A* which show the path of infalling matter Scientists believe that every black hole has a maximum rate at which it should be able to absorb new material. The researchers think these outflows allow a black hole to exceed its Eddington limit by acting as a 'release valve' for the excess energy created during a massive feast. The researchers think these outflows may have allowed the black hole to exceed its Eddington limit as its surrounding galaxy developed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang This could explain how supermassive black holes such as the one in the middle of our galaxy became so large shortly after the formation of the universe.

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