#WhySoProud: Islamists give death threats to film director Faraz Arif Ansari for calling out their homophobic tweets
4 years, 8 months ago

#WhySoProud: Islamists give death threats to film director Faraz Arif Ansari for calling out their homophobic tweets

Op India  

Film Director Faraz Arif Ansari today took to Twitter to allege that he has been receiving death threats after he called out Islamists for their homophobic tweets under #WhySoProud hashtag earlier this week. — Faraz Arif Ansari July 2, 2020 He said that the Islamists have threatened to throw him off the roofs, stone him and punish him until he dies. Earlier he had taken to Twitter to call out homophobic Islamists who were trending ‘WhySoProud’ and said that discrimination and hate is haram, unlike homosexuality. Before you say, #WhySoProud ask yourself, #WhySoHateful?🏳️‍🌈 — Faraz Arif Ansari July 1, 2020 Earlier this week, many Islamists had taken to Twitter to voice their opinion and claim that homosexuality is a sin and ‘Haram’ as per Quran.

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