Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago

Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north

China Daily  

The Danjiangkou Reservoir is the source of the middle route of the South-to-North Water diversion Project. TAO DEBIN/FOR CHINA DAILY The monumental challenge of shifting billions of cubic meters of water over a thousand kilometers from one end of the country to another, using only the power of gravity, would seem insurmountable to many, but the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has done just that for a decade. To date, the middle route has delivered more than 68 billion cubic meters of water, benefiting nearly 114 million people, and earning a reputation for being a lifeline for the Chinese people. As the source of the middle route, the Danjiangkou Reservoir is kept under strict observation to ensure water quality with an emphasis on pollution control, ecological restoration and water resource conservation.

History of this topic

Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago
Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago
Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago
Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago
Water diversion efforts hydrate parched north
4 weeks, 2 days ago
每日一词∣南水北调工程 the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
3 years, 7 months ago

每日一词∣南水北调工程 the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

China Daily  

截至今年3月,南水北调工程已累计向北方地区调水400多亿立方米。东线、中线一期主体工程建成通水以来,直接受益人口达1.2亿多人,供水到达40多个大中型城市,同时助力东线、中线沿线河湖生态修复。 As of March, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project had transferred over 40 billion cubic meters of water to the northern areas. 南水北调中线穿黄工程(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 “南水北调工程”是中华人民共和国的战略性工程,分东、中、西三条线路将南方长江流域的水调到北方水资源缺乏区域。南水北调工程规划区涉及人口4.38亿人,调水规模448亿立方米,工程规划的东、中、西线干线总长度达4350公里,通过三条调水线路,与长江、淮河、黄河、海河相互联接,构成我国中部地区水资源“四横三纵、南北调配、东西互济”的总体格局。南水北调工程是迄今为止世界上规模最大的调水工程。 南水北调东线于2013年11月正式通水。工程从江苏扬州引长江水,利用京杭大运河以及与之平行的河道输水,设13梯级泵站,经泵站逐级提水进入东平湖,出东平湖后分两路,一路抵达鲁北地区,一路向东输水至青岛、烟台等地。 2014年12月12日,南水北调中线工程一期正式通水运行。中线一期工程以丹江口水库为起点,地跨河南、河北、北京、天津4省市。 【重要讲话】 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。 Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage, implements a new development philosophy, fosters a new development paradigm, endeavors to establish a national unified …

每日一词∣南水北调工程 the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
3 years, 7 months ago

每日一词∣南水北调工程 the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

China Daily  

截至今年3月,南水北调工程已累计向北方地区调水400多亿立方米。东线、中线一期主体工程建成通水以来,直接受益人口达1.2亿多人,供水到达40多个大中型城市,同时助力东线、中线沿线河湖生态修复。 As of March, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project had transferred over 40 billion cubic meters of water to the northern areas. 南水北调中线穿黄工程(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 “南水北调工程”是中华人民共和国的战略性工程,分东、中、西三条线路将南方长江流域的水调到北方水资源缺乏区域。南水北调工程规划区涉及人口4.38亿人,调水规模448亿立方米,工程规划的东、中、西线干线总长度达4350公里,通过三条调水线路,与长江、淮河、黄河、海河相互联接,构成我国中部地区水资源“四横三纵、南北调配、东西互济”的总体格局。南水北调工程是迄今为止世界上规模最大的调水工程。 南水北调东线于2013年11月正式通水。工程从江苏扬州引长江水,利用京杭大运河以及与之平行的河道输水,设13梯级泵站,经泵站逐级提水进入东平湖,出东平湖后分两路,一路抵达鲁北地区,一路向东输水至青岛、烟台等地。 2014年12月12日,南水北调中线工程一期正式通水运行。中线一期工程以丹江口水库为起点,地跨河南、河北、北京、天津4省市。 【重要讲话】 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。 Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage, implements a new development philosophy, fosters a new development paradigm, endeavors to establish a national unified …

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