Heatwave Claims 25 Poll Officials Amid 40 Suspected Deaths Ahead Of Phase 7 Lok Sabha elections 2024 Voting
ABP NewsIndia on Friday reported at least 40 suspected heat-related deaths, with 25 of these fatalities among staff deployed on Lok Sabha poll duty in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, as heatwave conditions engulfed a significant part of the country. On Friday, the maximum 17 deaths were from Uttar Pradesh, 14 from Bihar, five from Odisha, and four from Jharkhand, where more than 1,300 people are hospitalised with heatstroke conditions, PTI reported. At Least 15 Election Staff Dead In UP Dead Due To Suspected Heatstroke In Uttar Pradesh, where 13 seats including Sonbhadra district and Mirzapur are going to polls on Saturday, officials reported that at least 15 election staff died from suspected heatstroke. In Bihar, where eight Lok Sabha seats are voting on Saturday, officials said fourteen people, including ten polling personnel, have died due to heatstroke in the past two days.