20 Passwords you must never use on your smartphone, tablet or laptop: Here's why
5 days, 21 hours ago

20 Passwords you must never use on your smartphone, tablet or laptop: Here's why

India TV News  

In today’s digital era, smartphones and laptops have become indispensable for everything from online shopping and education to entertainment. Hackers and cybercriminals can effortlessly crack weak passwords, potentially leading to personal data theft and financial loss. Vulnerable Passwords Revealed NordPass, a renowned cybersecurity firm, recently published an annual report highlighting the 20 most commonly used and vulnerable passwords. According to NordPass, these commonly used passwords can be cracked in mere seconds, putting users’ sensitive information at risk. Top 20 Most Common Passwords 123456 password lemonfish 111111 12345 12345678 123456789 admin abcd1234 1qaz@WSX qwerty admin123 Admin@123 1234567 123123 Welcome abc123 1234567890 india123 Password Avoid these password mistakes Once again, "123456" tops the list as the weakest and most commonly used password.

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These commonly used passwords are an open invitation for hackers- Change them NOW!
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