Taylor Swift Concert Terror Plot Was Thwarted by Key CIA Tip
WiredPavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the communication app Telegram, was arrested in France on Saturday as part of an investigation into his and Telegram’s alleged failure to moderate illegal content on the platform, among other allegations. CIA deputy director David Cohen said at the Insa intelligence conference on Wednesday, “Within my agency and others there were people who thought that was a really good day for Langley and not just the Swifties in my workforce.” The central suspect is a 19-year-old Austrian of North Macedonian background who reportedly made a full confession. “The Austrians were able to make those arrests because the agency and our partners in the intelligence community provided them information about what this ISIS-connected group was planning to do.” Hackers who may be backed by the Chinese government have been exploiting a recently patched vulnerability in network management virtualization software known as Versa Director to compromise at least four US-based internet service providers and steal authentication credentials used by their customers. Hackers exploit the Versa Director vulnerability to install remote access malware that Lumen dubbed allow “VersaMem.” “Given the severity of the vulnerability, the implications of compromised Versa Director systems, and the time that has now elapsed to allow Versa customers to patch the vulnerability, Black Lotus Labs felt it was appropriate to release this information at this time,” the researchers wrote in a blog post. “Lumen Technologies shared threat intelligence to warn appropriate US government agencies of the emerging risks that could impact our nation’s strategic assets.” The movie studio coalition known as the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment said on Thursday that Hanoi police have investigated and taken down the Vietnam-based pirate streaming service Fmovies and its affiliates.