Facebook to allow paid political messages that are not ads
The HinduFacebook decided on February 14 to allow a type of paid political message that had sidestepped many of the social network’s rules governing political ads. Mr. Bloomberg’s use of the loophole and Facebook’s policy change in response underscore difficulties tech companies and regulators have in keeping up with the changing nature of paid political messages. The February 14 rule change will now allow campaigns in the U.S. to use this tool, provided they’ve been authorised by Facebook to run political ads and disclose who paid for the The Bloomberg campaign took the unconventional step of paying social media influencers — individuals with huge followings — to post Bloomberg memes using their Instagram accounts. The Bloomberg campaign’s memes showed the 78-year-old candidate, in a tongue-in-cheek awkward fashion, chatting with popular social media influencers with names like “Tank Sinatra,” asking them to help him raise his profile among younger folk.