Zomato under controversy for being a 'hypocrite', users give one star rating to app
FirstpostPeople are now even boycotting Uber Eats for backing up Zomato in this case. Zomato got a lot of appreciation initially for standing up against religious discrimination when a user asked for a refund because he did not want his food to be delivered by a Muslim rider. To clear the air, Zomato shared an open letter saying that it is the restaurants that seek distinction and “not us as aggregator”. The letter also mentioned that “Restaurants serving meat specifically obtain halal certification by an all-India body.” Pic 1: Zomato's reply when a customer wants to cancel food because it's non-Halal. pic.twitter.com/4OQg9Ynyqi — Ankur Singh July 31, 2019 Since UberEats backed up Zomato on this and tweeted it, people have now gone onto boycotting UberEats for this.