The real cost of climate change: Rising sea levels could cost the UK and EU economies up to £748 BILLION by 2100, scientists warn
1 year, 2 months ago

The real cost of climate change: Rising sea levels could cost the UK and EU economies up to £748 BILLION by 2100, scientists warn

Daily Mail  

Study reveals the parts of Europe most impacted financially by rising waters It's well known that sea levels are getting higher due to climate change and could result in serious loss of life within this century. It predicts that rising sea levels could cause £748 billion of combined economic losses across the UK and EU by 2100. Interestingly, some regions and countries will actually see an increase in GDP by 2100 Researchers also looked at the regional change in GDP due to the cost of sea level rises, which revealed variation within individual countries. The study focused on Europe, but future studies could assess the economic impact of rising sea levels globally.

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