Delhi High Court Directs Sameet Thakkar To Take Down Tweets Against TV Today Network, Its Management & Employees
Live LawThe Delhi High Court on Wednesday directed Sameet Thakkar to take down the Tweets allegedly posted against TV Today Network, its Management & employees from his Twitter account within 48 hours. Today Network Limited against Sameet Thakkar, who allegedly posted tweets, using derogatory and defamatory language against the Plaintiff, its management and its employees. Hrishikesh Baruah, the Counsel appearing for the Plaintiff had submitted before the Court that both the India Today Group as also Mr. Aroon Purie, Mr. Rahul Kanwal - the anchor and other top management enjoy enormous goodwill and reputation in the industry, and making baseless allegations and using of derogatory and disparaging remarks against them has caused personal injury to their reputation Court's May 06th Order In this backdrop, the Delhi High Court, in its 06th May Order, had observed, " The tweets make wild allegations and also use derogatory and defamatory language against the Plaintiff, its management and its employees. Lastly, the Court had directed Defendant No.1, "To restrain from publishing any defamatory or derogatory posts/tweets or making abusive remarks against the Plaintiff, its management, employees including news anchors and their family members either through his Twitter handle or on any other social media platform or any other print/electronic medium."