He's an officer and a gentleman! Praise for VERY calm cop as he's harassed by YouTube 'auditor' who tries to make a complaint about being followed by security guard
2 months, 1 week ago

He's an officer and a gentleman! Praise for VERY calm cop as he's harassed by YouTube 'auditor' who tries to make a complaint about being followed by security guard

Daily Mail  

A police officer has been praised for his professionalism after he was harassed by a YouTube 'auditor' attempting to make a complaint about a security guard. The Metropolitan Police officer, stationed outside the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster, was approached by a man who claimed a security guard was following him as he attempted to conduct his 'private business' filming the building. The video clip shows the officer trying to reason with the auditor who appears incensed and 'wants to make a formal criminal complaint' because he feels 'alarmed, harassed and distressed' by the security guard following him around the building The YouTube auditor claimed the security guard was following him as he attempted to conduct his 'private business' filming the building The YouTuber fires back at the officer saying 'that's your opinion, I'm not concealing my identity'. The conversation draws to a close when the police officer reiterates that the auditor's initial complaint against the security guard was not a criminal one.

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