Prof. Satish Ogale from IISER Pune to receive 2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Prof. Satish Ogale from IISER Pune to receive 2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences

Hindustan Times  

Prof Satishchandra B Ogale – adjunct faculty member of the department of Physics at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, and director of TCG CREST Kolkata – has been selected to receive the 2026 TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences. Professor Satish Ogale was chosen for the TWAS Award in Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences along with professor Hong Ding from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The award citation for professor Ogale reads as, “For his innovative research in sustainable development, applying advanced functional Materials Physics to energy harvesting, storage and conservation.” In his 45-year-long career, professor Ogale has conducted research in the field of Materials Physics covering both fundamental and applied studies. The latest TWAS recognition is primarily for his innovative research on clean and renewable energy carried out in India over the past 15 years at the National Chemical Laboratory, IISER Pune, and RISE Kolkata.

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