China warns Asian countries to be vigilant on US strategy in region
Live MintThe Chinese government's top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi urged on Tuesday Asian countries to remain "vigilant" over the risk of US strategy stoking geopolitical competition in the South China Sea and other parts of the region. Beijing and members of the Association of South East Asian Nations should work together to remove "external disruption" in the South China Sea, Wang said during a joint news conference with Malaysia's foreign minister. "We are both of the view that the South China Sea should not be a ground for major power wrestling teeming with warships," said Wang, who is on a short Southeast Asian tour. China, which has for years been locked in maritime disputes with other coastal states in the South China Sea, has in recent months held military exercises in disputed parts of the strategic waterway, while Washington has accused China of attempting to build a "maritime empire" in the area.