Reality series shows celebrities living ordinary people's lives
China DailyPoster of Nice to Meet You. The second season of the reality show, Nice to Meet You, which follows celebrities as they probe the problems shared by today's urban youth, has been aired on the video-streaming platform Douyin since Wednesday. The show's first season has invited actress Zhou Xun and Taiwan anchorwoman Aya to pay a visit to people from different walks of life and live with them for several days to present the diversity of lifestyles for the viewers. In the newly-released second season, Zhou and Aya invited some of their friends -- including comedian Li Xueqin, actor Jing Boran, and actress Zhou Yutong -- to respectively discuss topics such as housing, career plans and generation gap by exploring the trends and fashion in the urban life in Shanghai. In the first episode, Zhou, Aya and Li took part in different social activities popular among today's youth, such as playing frisbee, participating in live action role-playing games and going to a swing dance party.