Once water resilient, mining-affected villages in Goa now entirely dependent on government tankers for supply
FirstpostOpencast iron ore mining reduces the groundwater table and causes surface water pollution. But there has not been a “drop of water in the last two years,” said Sunita. “Until about twenty years ago, there was water everywhere — a big stream used to flow in the lower part of the village, our wells were full of water. Mining in Goa has not only diverted the base-flow component from rivers but the nearby surface water bodies, springs and even soil moisture in nearby agricultural lands have also been depleted.” This results in ponds, tanks, and wells drying faster than usual, said Shripad Dharmadhikary, an activist and researcher studying water and energy issues through the lens of sustainability, equity and justice. During his campaigning years, he coined the phrase — “paani kay khaani” to make people aware of the impact of iron ore mining on water.
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