To solve the liquidity crisis, RBI should make banks lend more to NBFCs
Hindustan TimesIn the immediate liquidity crisis, good Non-Bank Financial Companies should be able to raise debt capital, but this is not always happening. If the real estate company is itself under financial stress, and does not have the money to complete its project, the assets on the balance sheet of the NBFC start looking bad. Suppose the real estate company needed a flow of money to complete the project, but the NBFCs and banks from which it has been borrowing shut off that tap due to their liquidity issues. In the short run, the industry argues that to solve the liquidity crisis, the Reserve Bank of India and government should make banks lend more to NBFCs. The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission, 2011, had proposed a unified regulatory agency for NBFCs, equity and bond markets, insurance, pensions, mutual funds, etc.