Multi-level marketing companies shower Kyrsten Sinema with cash, in apparent bid to kill labor bill
3 years, 2 months ago

Multi-level marketing companies shower Kyrsten Sinema with cash, in apparent bid to kill labor bill


What do Amway, Isagenix, Nu Skin Enterprises and Herbalife have in common? They're also all recent donors to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the iconoclastic Arizona Democrat whose campaign donations, in lieu of direct statements on her political priorities, have become scrutinized in recent months as tea leaves of sorts for the Washington set interested in swaying her powerful vote in the evenly-divided chamber. The outlet notes that Sinema is one of the only national-level politicians the companies, all connected to the trade group Direct Selling Association, have made donations to. It's perhaps not all that surprising, given Sinema's direct connection to the industry — her mother was involved in multi-level marketing at various points in her own life. Most recently, her blockbuster campaign donations from the pharmaceutical industry have come under fire after she jockeyed to kill a prescription pricing reform bill that proved wildly popular in opinion polls across nearly every demographic.

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