Demolishing the right's "Founding Myth": America was never a "Christian nation"
5 years, 7 months ago

Demolishing the right's "Founding Myth": America was never a "Christian nation"


Unusual times demand unusual measures. "The Founding Myth" goes far beyond debunking the false history that Christian nationalists advance to a detailed examination of how biblical principles are fundamentally at odds with our constitutional order. That leads to one striking quote from that part of the book, “America's justice system demands proof of guilt to avoid punishing innocence, the Judeo-Christian god intentionally harms innocents to punish the guilty.” Could you elaborate on that because that's a very striking comment that I think might strike some people as weird or unfathomable. Let's just take the first one, “I am the Lord your God,” which also goes on to say, “you shall have no other gods before me.” You’ve read it, so you know that what exactly the Ten Commandments are is not clear from the Bible, not clear in a particular religion, but let's just take the First Commandment. Finally, in the fourth section of your book on American verbiage, you deal with public slogans — "In God We Trust," "One Nation Under God," "God Bless America" — which had nothing do with America's founding, but are rhetorical favorites for Christian nationalists.

History of this topic

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