Fresh concerns over Aboriginal Heritage Act changes as WA landcare groups call off events
ABCLandcare groups say a run-in with the head of a local Aboriginal corporation has highlighted concerns with the implementation of WA's reformed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. Key points: Two tree-planting events were called off at the weekend by landcare groups They say a call from an Aboriginal corporation's ex-CEO spooked them The WA government says the events should not have been cancelled The state government says changes to the legislation, which took effect at the start of this month, were designed to streamline and strengthen the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage to avoid a repeat of instances such as the destruction of Juukan Gorge in 2020. Aboriginal heritage laws Q&A Photo shows Crowded room Amid growing calls to delay WA's new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act, the state's director-general of planning, lands and heritage answers key questions about the laws. "I want to make it clear — there was no linkage between the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and the ability to cancel that event," he told a media conference on Monday.
History of this topic

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