Family of woman 'brainwashed' into joining ISIS beg government to let her come home
Daily MailSamia claims she was kidnapped by Islamic State and held against her will after being duped into thinking that she would be helping children The family of a woman who joined Islamic State say that she was tricked into thinking she'd be helping refugees and left mutilated by a drone strike. The camp also holds Shamima Begum, who left Bethnal Green in East London to join Islamic State when she was 15. Pictured: The camp where Samia is thought to be living now alongside Shamima Begum from Bethnal Green, East London Her family says that she was groomed and 'brainwashed' into believing she'd be helping 'children in need' but found herself trapped in the Caliphate. ISIS bride Shamima Begum had her British nationality revoked after pleading unsuccessfully to be allowed to return to the UK Three-and-a-half years later Miss Hussein's family received a phone call from her while she was in the refugee camp.