She sees beauty through the eye of a camera
China DailyThe photographs of Iran Issa-Khan, who says that as an artist she is never satisfied with her work, take you through an inner journey of discovery. No wonder the late architect Zaha Hadid once described an Issa-Khan photograph as "a journey of discovery into the very DNA of its creation". Journey into nature "My own experimentation and research into increased complexity and fluidity in architecture has led us on the path towards these natural systems … Every individual has its beauty, and my aim in photography is simple-capture beauty in every form," says the celebrated Persian photographer. At a time when Issa-Khan was living in the US, a friend working for The New York Times suggested that she learn photography "because I knew everybody around the world". Issa-Khan started her career by studying photography with renowned photographer William Minor Jr. "The minute I picked up a camera, that little eye showed me everything," she recalls.