Is there a way to extend fertility? Rapamycin is getting hyped up right now.
6 months ago

Is there a way to extend fertility? Rapamycin is getting hyped up right now.


Infertility due to aging is a tough problem to solve. It’s possible that taking rapamycin could help with fertility, but we have no real idea if it does. When it comes to fertility, there’s even some published data showing that rapamycin can slow the diminishment of the ovarian reserve of—again—mice in labs. And it’s possible that this further research, with more women included, will bear out the impressive benefits of rapamycin for fertility. It’s certainly possible that rapamycin will turn out to extend fertility in women by years or even decades.

History of this topic

Commonly used drug may extend women’s fertility, claim researchers – here’s what you need to know about rapamycin
7 months, 3 weeks ago

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