China’s AI-powered influence operations at India’s doorstep
Hindustan TimesModes of warfare have undergone several changes since the end of World War II. A recent report by the United States -based social media analytics firm Graphika revealed a pro-Chinese political spam operation promoting a new and distinctive form of video content, which has been operating since 2019 on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In November 2022 China released its ‘position paper’ on strengthening the ethical governance of AI, which emphasises that as the most representative disruptive technology, AI has brought uncertainty, giving rise to multiple global challenges and even fundamental ethical concerns, despite enormous potential benefits. In August last year, New Kite Data Labs—a US-based think tank, revealed that Beijing-based AI and data collection firm Speech Ocean, has collected voice samples from military sensitive regions of India, including Jammu & Kashmir, and Punjab. But as Chinese agencies collect datasets like voice samples from Indian regions, Beijing introduced new rules in January this year, increasing the government’s grip over the Chinese tech sector to regulate the use of deepfakes inside China.