The role of palliative care
The HinduHow can palliative care help when the world is reeling under this most unexpected and unprecedented pandemic, COVID-19? Social suffering COVID-19, because of its unique nature and magnitude has brought in its wake, not only physical illness, but more of emotional and social suffering — fear, anxiety, uncertainty, loss of loved ones and social distress such as losing jobs and income, inability to move freely to work and other places, frustrations, staying long hours at home and other hardships, all leading to psychological disturbances for many. ‘Palliative Medicine’ is a medical specialty, which involves the treatment of pain, breathing difficulty and other distressing physical symptoms caused by chronic and life-limiting diseases and also addressing the psychological issues of both patient and family, with the sole aim of improving quality of life. It is also a form of supportive care, giving that extra layer of support a patient needs, to alleviate suffering, alongside disease treatment even in acute illness. In the present scenario, in addition to what physicians are toiling with to cure patients, and the government and health care policies and strategies, palliative care can play a supportive role.