Kerala: Education dept faces flak for ‘monitoring’ Plus-II schools as academic year draws to a close
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Kerala: Education dept faces flak for ‘monitoring’ Plus-II schools as academic year draws to a close

New Indian Express  

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The general education department has come in for flak for hurriedly constituting committees from among principals at the fag end of the academic year to ‘monitor’ the functioning of higher secondary schools under the Enhancement of Academic Programme. While senior officials of the higher secondary wing comprise the state-level committee, the district-level panel includes select principals from government and aided schools. Meanwhile, the higher secondary wing of the department said the visit of the monitoring teams, scheduled in the beginning of the academic year, was delayed owing to an earlier government directive to put on hold the spending of plan funds until further orders. “EAP is carried out using plan funds and we decided to carry out the exercise after the government relaxed the conditions,” said Shajitha S, joint director, higher secondary wing.

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