China DailyOver 300 mln domestic trips made in China during holiday 文化和旅游部27日公布2023年春节假期文化和旅游市场情况。经文化和旅游部数据中心测算,今年春节假期全国国内旅游出游3.08亿人次,同比增长23.1%。 1月27日,游客在四川省西昌市建昌古城游览。新华社发(李结义 摄) About 308 million domestic trips were made in China during this year's Spring Festival holiday, up 23.1 percent year on year, said the country's Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 经文化和旅游部数据中心测算,今年春节假期全国国内旅游出游3.08亿人次,同比增长23.1%。 Domestic tourism revenue generated during the week-long holiday totaled 375.8 billion yuan, up 30 percent year on year, statistics from the ministry showed. 数据显示,今年春节假期,10739家A级旅游景区正常开放,占全国A级旅游景区总数的73.5%。 During the holiday, various cultural and tourist activities also took place nationwide to stimulate nighttime consumption, said the ministry. 在假期期间,全国各地还举行了各种文化和旅游活动,以刺激夜间消费。 【相关词汇】 短途旅行 short-distance travel 出境游 overseas trips 联合国世界旅游组织“最佳旅游乡村 ”Best Tourism Villages of 2022 by UNWTO 旅游发展和价值链整合 tourism development and value chain integration 旅游气象服务 meteorological services for tourism (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)