Rescue mission like a red crown on cranes
China DailyZhao Shiwei tends red-crowned crane chicks bred at the Zhaoquan River Management Station of the Liaohe River Estuary National Nature Reserve in Panjin, Liaoning province. But due to environmental and ecological damage, the number of red-crowned cranes migrating to the Liaohe River estuary had been continuously declining when Zhao joined work at the Zhaoquan River Management Station, which is part of the Liaohe River Estuary National Nature Reserve in Panjin, in 1992. Hence, Zhao applied to the higher authorities to provide outdoor "training" to artificially bred red-crowned cranes in the reserve in order to increase the number of wild red-crowned cranes. That prompted Zhao to release several artificially bred adult male red-crowned cranes into the wild every year so they could form families with their wild partners and increase the wild crane population in Panjin.