Adult 'gap year' boom as workers take advantage of unpaid sabbatical offers - but they are making one HUGE mistake that could leave them tens of thousands out of pocket
Daily MailAlmost 5million Brits have taken a sabbatical from work to travel or take a break Workplaces are seeing a boom in adult gap years as workers take advantage of unpaid sabbaticals to travel the world. Younger people are driving the gap year travel trend, with nearly half of Gen Z and Millennials having either been on a sabbatical or currently planning one, compared to 30 per cent of Gen X and 24 per cent of Baby Boomers. The average cost of a grown up gap year is £9,553.44 with three in ten choosing to travel with their partner and 19 per cent opting to travel solo compared to 21 per cent taking their children with them For some they chose to travel after getting a job because they felt they'd missed out on travelling before starting work and some wanted to get the travel bug out of their system before starting a family. MoneySuperMarket's home insurance expert Kara Gammell said: 'It's great that more people have the opportunity to take a sabbatical, but there's lots to think about when you're planning such a big trip.
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