CDC eases school COVID guidance, allowing desks to be closer
3 years, 9 months ago

CDC eases school COVID guidance, allowing desks to be closer

LA Times  

The CDC says pupils can sit 3 feet apart in classrooms, changing from the 6-foot rule that forced some schools to remove desks and stagger scheduling. Outside of the classroom, the agency recommended that the six-foot rule be followed in these settings: • Between adults, and between adults and students, in school buildings • In common areas, such as lobbies and auditoriums • In situations when masks can’t be worn, such as when eating • During activities when increased exhalation occurs, such as singing, shouting, band practice, sports or exercise The recommendation for six feet of physical distancing still holds in community settings outside of the classroom, the CDC added. “We urge the governor to align with the CDC’s revised guidance immediately, which would pave the way for all California students to return to the classroom full time.” The regional chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics echoed that demand and called on the state to “decouple” school reopenings from the rate of community spread. “This new guidance may help them feel safer coming back on campus — that even though we are preparing campuses for the six feet physical distance, if their students walk, learn or play a little closer to other students, so long as they continue to wear masks, they will be OK,” Franklin said. “The change to three feet distance for students in classrooms will be particularly challenging for large urban school districts and those that have not yet had access to the resources necessary to fully implement the very COVID-19 mitigation measures that the CDC says are essential,” Pringle said.

History of this topic

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