Film industry report shows global post-pandemic recovery, upward domestic trend
China DailyTwo publications providing in-depth analysis on the global film industry were released during the Qingdao Film and TV Week, held at the Shandong city from April 7-9. Despite a steady recovery in the global film industry, a return to pre-pandemic levels remains a distant goal, experts said during the launch of two publications on the global movie market in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province earlier this month. The Blue Book of Film: Annual Report on the Development of Global Film Industry The Blue Book of Film: Annual Report on the Development of Global Film Industry, in Chinese, and English monograph The Global Film Market Transformation in the Post-Pandemic Era: Production, Distribution and Consumption were unveiled on April 7 at the 2023 Qingdao Film and TV Week. The Global Film Market Transformation in the Post-Pandemic Era: Production, Distribution and Consumption The global film industry has been significantly affected by the pandemic, resulting in theater closures worldwide, delays or cancellations of film releases, suspended film production, and film festivals postponed or pushed online, according to the annual report.