Religious group members found guilty of manslaughter of eight-year-old Elizabeth Struhs
ABCAll 14 members of a fringe religious group have been found guilty of the manslaughter of eight-year-old Elizabeth Struhs, who died after her insulin was withheld. Justice Burns said he was not satisfied of this beyond a reasonable doubt, stating there was a possibility in the "cloistered atmosphere of the church which enveloped and which only intensified once he made the decision to cease the administration of insulin, he was so consumed by the particular belief in the healing power of God … that he never came to the full realisation Elizabeth would probably die". Shortly after Elizabeth's death, Jason Struhs told police it "felt right" to stop her insulin and she was "as happy as anything". In footage released by the Supreme Court following the verdicts, Kerrie Struhs told detectives they took Elizabeth off her medication and "waited for God to do his work". Therese Stevens, who was also found guilty of manslaughter, told police Elizabeth was "not dead to us".
History of this topic

Judge jails 14 sect members over Australian girl's death
Hindustan Times
Elizabeth Struhs: Australian sect members who believed God would save dying 8-year-old sentenced
Jayde Struhs says authorities failed her sister Elizabeth, who died after insulin was withheld
Religious group found guilty of Elizabeth Struhs's manslaughter 'arrogantly' put faith above her life, court hears
Queensland coroner to examine whether system failures led to death of Elizabeth Struhs
Queensland Premier David Crisafulli vows to improve child safety in wake of Elizabeth Struhs's death
Instead of giving her life-saving insulin, Elizabeth Struhs's parents prayed over her dying body
Religious sect found guilty of manslaughter after prayer fails to heal diabetic girl
The Independent
Australian religious sect member convicted over death of diabetic girl
The Independent
14 members of an Australian religious group are convicted over diabetic girl’s death
Associated Press
Religious group members accused of Elizabeth Struhs's death tell court they believe she will be resurrected
Court hears brother believed eight-year-old Elizabeth Struhs was old enough to refuse medical treatment
Alexander Stevens, one of 14 accused of killing Elizabeth Struhs told his boss she would be raised from the dead
Elizabeth Struhs lay unconscious on the floor in the care of religious group while her parents slept, court hears
Elizabeth Struhs's father baptised into Toowoomba religious group four months before her death, court hears
Elizabeth Struhs' mother Kerrie Struhs committed to stand trial for murder
Religious group charged with murder over death of Toowoomba girl Elizabeth Struhs remanded in custody
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