Types Of Kidney Cancer, Their Symptoms And Causes
News 18Kidneys perform important functions in the body and any damage to the organ can lead to increasing impurities in our blood. They are: Renal sarcoma Renal sarcoma is the least common type of kidney cancer. Renal cell carcinoma The most common type of kidney cancer in adults, RCC develops as a single tumour in one kidney. Symptoms of kidney cancer Kidney cancer may not show any noticeable symptoms in its early stages, but as the tumour grows, symptoms may become clearer. Some of the symptoms include: Blood in your urine Tiredness Flank pain Loss of appetite A lump or mass in your kidney area A general sense of not feeling well Anaemia Weight loss Bone pain High blood pressure Low-grade fever High calcium Smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and family history are some of the main causes of kidney cancer and one needs to keep a watch on the symptoms.