Pasadena Conservatory of Music
LA TimesPCM offers a wide range of programs, including individual and group instruction, pre-school classes, music appreciation courses, masterclasses, summer camps, workshops, and concerts. Additionally, PCM provides a year-long program of free music classes to all 600 students at our local, TitleI school and tuition assistance for music study to promising, under-resourced students. CONTACT Address: 100 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena, CA 91106 Phone: 626.683.3355 Email: music@pasadenaconservatory.org Website: www.pasadenaconservatory.org Facebook: @PasadenaConservatoryMusic Instagram: @pasadenaconservatoryofmusic Top Executive: Stephen McCurry, Executive Director Year Established: 1984 MISSION STATEMENT The Pasadena Conservatory of Music is a nationally recognized and accredited, independent, nonprofit community music school in Pasadena. SERVICE AREA San Gabriel Valley, Greater Los Angeles County GET INVOLVED EVENTS PCM welcomes members of the community to attend student and faculty concerts on campus.
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